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Droplets of Perception

In creating this collection, I sought to tread the delicate line between the realms of the abstract and the hyperreal. I have always been fascinated by the possibilities that exist within this balance, the space where imagination and reality intertwine. This collection is a manifestation of my exploration, a testament to the journey into the rich, uncharted territories of art that reside in this interplay. Each piece is imbued with an intricate narrative, expressed through the medium of oil droplets. These droplets, while seemingly simple in nature, are conduits of the complexity I yearned to portray. They teeter on the edge of reality, at times appearing as though captured through a hyper-realistic lens, at others hinting at a fluid, abstract universe that dances to the rhythm of our own interpretations. In this collection, I invite viewers to immerse themselves in the world I have created, a world that dares to redefine reality and that questions our perceptions.

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May 2023
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